Interested in starting a HTQ or Higher Apprenticeship?

Join us for the launch of our HTQs and Higher Apprenticeships on July 17th.

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Join Abingdon & Witney College, an award-winning employer

Work for Us


Earn whilst you learn on an Apprenticeship with our highly regarded employers.

Apprenticeships that work for you

Apprenticeships offer you the opportunity to get hands-on practical work experience whilst obtaining the same qualifications you would attain if you went to college full time. We're proud to partner with well-regarded employers and through all our apprenticeships you earn whilst you learn; you might even be surprised to see what your training salary could be!

Start your journey with us today

We’re passionate about providing apprenticeships we know work for both our students and our employers. Our apprenticeship provision is rated ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED and everyday our dedicated specialist team work to uphold this standard.

When you start an apprenticeship with Abingdon & Witney College, we help you with every step of the process; from doing everything we can to make sure you, your course, and employer are a great match; to being there to support and guide you through your apprenticeship and as you prepare for your next steps.

Unsure how to find an apprenticeship or get started? You’ve come to the right place!

Our apprenticeship recruitment team are there for you to speak openly and honestly to about your options and getting started. They can talk you through our current vacancies, the qualifications currently available, and what your application process will be like.

They can help you with writing your CV and give you interview technique advice, qualification information and advice on what to do if you don't yet meet the apprenticeship requirements.

Employers we partner with: Blenheim Palace

Employers we partner with: Blenheim Palace

Employers we partner with: Oxford Wood Recycling

Employers we partner with: Oxford Wood Recycling

Employers we partner with: DMW Landscapes Ltd

Employers we partner with: DMW Landscapes Ltd

Employers we partner with: Oxfordshire County Council

Employers we partner with: Oxfordshire County Council

Employers we partner with: The University of Oxford

Employers we partner with: The University of Oxford

Employers we partner with: Willow Cottage

Employers we partner with: Willow Cottage

Apprentice of the Month

Rajeev Pal Thapar - April 2024 Winner

Rajeev Pal Thapar - April 2024 Winner

Raj is a Level 2 Accounting Apprentice for The Department of Engineering Science at The University of Oxford.

He was nominated by our Apprenticeship Training Coordinator, Adrian, who kindly shared the following:

"Raj has the most positive attitude of any apprentice I look after. He “never says no” to work, devouring his way through work at a breakneck pace - but never compromising on quality.

Raj inherited a backlog of 1000+ invoices and while his manager ensured he was exposed to a wide variety of workplace tasks Raj made it a matter of personal pride to tackle this backlog. He worked through it tirelessly, without errors, once achieving a record 140 invoices processed in a single day."

Ruby Ludlow - March 2024 Winner

Ruby Ludlow - March 2024 Winner

Ruby is a Level 3 HR Apprentice, working right here at Abingdon & Witney College.

She was nominated by her Apprenticeship Training Coordinator, Adrian, and Line Manager, Jason, who shared the following:

"I am nominating one of our own apprentices, which may seem unfair, but I truly believe that Ruby deserves it.

Ruby received the short end of the stick early in her apprenticeship; she was made redundant by her original employer after only 3 months. We were fortunate to be able to employ Ruby as she had already made a dramatic start in HR at her original employer, working diligently in all areas of HR.

Even when dealing with very senior colleagues in tense conversations Ruby is confident and professional. Jason has every confidence in Ruby and feel they make a very effective double team. 'Ruby has worked immensely well and immensely hard. We're really grateful for that effort.'"

Bardha Konjufca - February 2024 Winner

Bardha Konjufca - February 2024 Winner

Bardha is a Level 2 Accounting Apprentice working with The University of Oxford.

Bardha was nominated by her Training Assessor Adrian who shared the following:

"Bardha works tirelessly to achieve in her apprenticeship. She spoke to me early on about what a great opportunity it was to take on this role and how grateful she is to have received it. This is reflected in her academic achievement and in her workplace achievement. Academically she has achieved 94% in both exams so far taken, a distinction grade performance.

In the workplace she has quickly settled in and become an asset to her department. Her manager Laura "could not ask for better" in any feedback areas. Bardha is "reliable, eager to use her own initiative, really polite, friendly to everyone, good at asking questions, a great independent thinker."

She has the kind of attention to detail “that can't be taught”, and an excellent adherence to policy and doing the best for the university. Laura admires how active and invested Bardha is with all the opportunities there are at the university."

Ella Smart - January 2024 Winner

Ella Smart - January 2024 Winner

Ella is a Level 2 Early Years apprentice with Willow Cottage Nurseries.

Ella was nominated by her Assessor, Melissa Round, for her growth in confidence, ability to manage behaviour, and to lead activities for groups of children.

"This week I observed Ella plan and lead an activity to promote healthy eating with six children. Ella read a story to the whole group, paused to let the children comment on the book, and then refocused the children's attention to continue reading.

She used descriptive commentary and open questions to support children's learning and thinking and calmly and effectively dealt with incidents of inappropriate behaviour.

Ella has made a significant amount of progress with her apprenticeship in the last six months which deserves to be recognised.”

Ewan Graham - December 2023 Winner

Ewan Graham - December 2023 Winner

Ewan is a Level 3 Accountancy apprentice and Junior Management Accountant at Shaw Gibbs.

He completed his Level 2 Accountancy Apprenticeship in October 2022, before moving onto his Level 3 and his Level 4 qualification in January 2024.

Ewan was nominated by his Training Coordinator, Adrian who shared the following:

"Ewan Graham is an exceptionally talented and diligent apprentice who has just received a distinction for his AAT Level 3 course. A distinction is itself particularly difficult to receive and demonstrates his exceptional level of understanding but it hides the achievement behind it. For his final exam, the notoriously difficult Level 3 Synoptic he scored an astounding 98%, losing only two marks in the entire exam.

In his professional discussion he scored a similarly impressive 97%. These marks reflect the last 15 months of tireless, diligent work. Even though he started two weeks into the course he had no difficulty keeping up and quickly excelled. The usually taciturn tutor Michael Kahando reflected on Ewan with a warm smile and said "oh, he's *really* good".

Lucy Goodwin - November 2023 Winner

Lucy Goodwin - November 2023 Winner

Lucy is a Level 3 apprentice in Business Administration at Global Engage Ltd. She is pictured receiving her award from her manager, Stephen Meade.

Bronwen Einon, one of our Work Based Learning Lecturers, nominated Lucy: "Lucy has had a fantastic attitude towards completing and passing her Maths. She tried hard in all lessons and remained positive despite finding it challenging. In passing this qualification she has overcome huge personal obstacles."

Not only has Lucy excelled in her own learning; she has also helped pave the way for other apprentices in her organisation. Lucy is the first apprentice qualifying with Global Engage Ltd and has helped inform how they support their other three Level 3 Business Administration apprentices. Lucy has also given guidance and been a support to the other apprentices who are earlier on in their apprenticeship journey.

When presented with her certificate, Lucy said "I've been learning so gradually... but I probably wouldn't recognise myself from a year ago because I've learned so much. After I complete my apprenticeship I'm hoping to stay at Global and continue to expand my skills, as I feel really confident here now - everyone is so friendly, it's like having a second family."

Sophie Hartford - October 2023 Winner

Sophie Hartford - October 2023 Winner

Sophie is a Level 5 Human Resources apprenticeship with Helen & Douglas House. Sophie first joined Helen & Douglas House as an Apprentice in 2018. After completing her first apprenticeship she continued to work there, before starting her role as HR Advisor and her Level 5 apprenticeship.

"This time has been different because I'm in my role... HR advisor is a step up for me, so the Level 5 was a natural step to help build my knowledge. It's all been building on knowledge I already have. I've felt much more confident going into the apprenticeship this time around."

Alex Mitrica - September 2023 Winner

Alex Mitrica - September 2023 Winner

Alex is a Level 2 Accounting Apprentice working with the University of Oxford. In September 2023, she won Apprentice of the Month, being credited as "an example of an Apprentice success story to which every apprentice can aspire" by her Training Coordinator, Adrian Mcilroyspeed.

"Alex has begun to truely excel in her work and become an extremely valued member of her team. The team 'brims with confidence' in her. She answers her own questions 9 times out of 10, and picks up solutions straight away.

Since June, she has increased her responsibilities, taking over all the regular processes from her team, excelling in her duties, and covering the needs of her department without supervision when her mentor is on annual leave.

She is an example of an Apprentice success story to which every apprentice can aspire."

Daniel Hall - July 2023 Winner

Daniel Hall - July 2023 Winner

Daniel is a Level 3 Accounting apprentice with the Estates Services at the University of Oxford.

After completing his A Levels at school, Daniel knew that University wasn't for him. After seeing his sister do a Business Admin apprenticeship, Daniel was inspired to pursue one himself. Now - with a little over one year left of his apprenticeship, Daniel says he can't imagine himself doing anything else!

"The experience has been very good. As I've progressed along the apprenticeship I've definitely taken on a lot more tasks.

I'm grateful for the extra work because you feel more active - like you're working closer to your destination."

Daniel plans on pursuing a career in Finance after completing his apprenticeship.

Devika Ahluwalia - June 2023 Winner

Devika Ahluwalia - June 2023 Winner

Devika is a Level 6 Chartered Manager Degree Apprentice working with BMW Group. She received her award from her Training Coordinator, Chloe, and Line Manager, Jayna who shared the following about Devika and her achievement:

“Devika has been able to balance a degree and a busy work schedule seamlessly and has been achieving fantastic results on both fronts, which is a remarkable achievement for her first year! Additionally, the exposure and experience she has been able to gain within BMW Financial Services has allowed her to create a unique portfolio of work that will contribute invaluably to her apprenticeship.”

“My apprenticeship experience so far has allowed me to have the perfect blend of work and academics where both sides enrich each other.

The working world has allowed me to have the structure and discipline I need to thrive in my everyday life whilst achieving a degree which has been a long-term goal of mine.

BMW has allowed me to come out of my shell, build my confidence in the corporate world and grow my business knowledge whilst completing my apprenticeship in a welcoming, modern culture.

Thank you to my colleagues for supporting me throughout my first year."

Alice Woollard-Storey - May 2023 Winner

Alice Woollard-Storey - May 2023 Winner

Alice is a Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprentice on an apprenticeship with Willow Cottage Nursery.

After her apprenticeship, she is planning to continue her study of Early Years at University.

"Before starting my apprenticeship, I had just started my first year of Sixth Form. We were still in the middle of a lockdown, and I didn’t really know what I wanted to do or what was available.

Four or five months into my A Levels, I realised it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I started looking into apprenticeships, not knowing that an apprenticeship in Early Years was an option, or that I would be able to continue through to university after completing it."

"From my first day on my apprenticeship, it has just felt like it fits. I really like it here at the Nursery and it is perfect for me.

I have really enjoyed the style of learning through an apprenticeship. I have enjoyed being around students who also didn't choose the 'conventional' route for their education, and I've gained practical experience in Childcare and working with Early years which I know will put me in a good position for applying to University."

Millie Druce – April 2023 Winner

Millie Druce – April 2023 Winner

Millie is a Level 2 Early Years Practitioner Apprentice on an Apprenticeship with Willow Cottage Nursery.

She started her apprenticeship with Willow Cottage Nursery after doing a College transition course in Health & Social care.

Millie was nominated for April's Apprentice of the Month after quickly making a fantastic impression to her colleagues and her apprenticeship coordinator.

In her nomination, Millie was praised for just how quickly she adapted to her new role after starting: “Millie has consistently surprised us. Her recent observation was fantastic and she was easily performing to a Level 3 standard."

Leah Thomas – March 2023 Winner

Leah Thomas – March 2023 Winner

Leah is a Level 3 Business Administration Apprentice working with the Public Engagement team at the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) in Didcot.

She began her apprenticeship in September 2022 after finishing her A Levels, in Maths, Biology, and Chemistry, and deciding to take an alternative route to university.

Since starting her position, Leah has consistently gone above and beyond; helping to run workshops, engage guests with the STFC, and work with students across the UK in STFC Laboratories.

For her 3-month project Leah has been working to improve communication with other apprentices and university students; using her own experience and newly learnt skills to redesign newsletters, utilise email communications, and set up new online automated booking systems.

Alongside her Apprentice of the Month award, Leah was also recognised by the Outstanding Performance Award in the Apprenticeship category at the 2023 Student of the Year Award ceremony in Blenheim Palace.

Video Library

Student Voices

Hear from those who know us best as four of our apprentices share their daily life at College and with their employers.

Student of the Year Celebrations

Our Student of the Year awards are the highlight of our calendar, celebrating the achievements of our students at Blenheim Palace.

Meet our Employers

We’re proud to partner with some of the counties most reputable employers, including Blenheim Palace.