Financial Support to help you study
We want to remove all barriers to learning where possible. No-one should feel like they are unable to make positive steps into education that could change their life.
If you’re worried about the cost of your course or how you will support yourself during your studies, there are lots of options we can explore to support you; and don't forget, many of our courses are free, including all courses for 16-18 year-olds.
We can support you in finding the right solution to fund the fees for your course and to access other financial support.
Financial Support applications for the 24/25 academic year are now OPEN for returning students. New students can apply from July 17th at 10am. Please see our Bursary support pack below with detailed instructions on how to apply:
You can download our Student Financial Support booklet below:

Do I need to pay the fees for my course?
If you are worried about course fees, there are lots of options we can explore to support you:
- All 16-19 year old students are fully funded and are not required to pay course fees.
- Adult Learners for part-time courses will need to pay course fees but:
- you may be eligible for part funding depending on circumstances; and
- you can ask the College to let you pay by instalment.
- Undergraduate and Professional students will need to pay course fees but:
- you may be eligible for part funding depending on circumstances
- you can ask the College to let you pay by instalments
- you can apply for a Government Advanced Learner Loan to spread the fees over a longer period of time; or
- you can consider asking your employer to pay your fees.
Click to download our Tuition Fee Policy 24/25
Additional information
Before you are accepted onto a course, you will need to meet a number of conditions relating to your entitlement to funding e.g. your age, residency status within the UK/EEA and prior qualification level. This can be discussed at the point of applying for a course if you have any worries or questions.
If your course fees are being paid by your employer or another organisation then this needs to be in place when you enrol and evidence must be provided, e.g. a letter from employer with invoicing details.
Our Admissions team are here to help: 01235 216 400 |
What financial support may be available for other costs whilst I study?
You may also be eligible for a financial bursary from the College to assist you with your costs, such as travel or childcare.
Use the drop down below to see what financial support is available for you:
Instalment Plans and Advanced Learner Loans
Instalment Plans
One of the options for paying your fees is to arrange an Instalment Plan with the College through our Finance Department. Instalment payment plans are available for fees of £300 or more.
The key points to note for are that:
- You will need to have a direct debit or standing order in place.
- The first instalment must be paid before you start your course.
- If your fees are between £300 and £599 then they can be paid in three equal instalments.
- If your fees are between £600 and £999 then they can be paid in four equal instalments.
- If your fees are between £1000 and £2000 then they can be paid in five equal instalments.
- If your fees are between £2000 and £10,000 then they can be paid in eight equal instalments.
Full details of the terms and conditions of for our Instalment Plans can be found in our Tuition Fees Policy.
If you would like to discuss an instalment plan, please contact, stating your name, student ID number, and course name.
Advanced Learner Loans
If you're aged 19 or over and want to study an Access to Higher Education Diploma or a Level 3 to 6 Vocational Qualification, you will be required to pay your course fees.
However, the Advanced Learner Loan by the Student Loans Company (“SLC”) is a government-funded loan which provides help to learners to spread the cost of the payments. It is easy to apply for, does not take your household income into account, and does not involve a credit check.
Here are some key facts about the Advanced Learner Loan:
- Repayments are linked to what you earn and not how much you borrowed.
- You only have to start making repayments when you have finished your course and you have earning over £25,000 a year (which is £480 a week or £2083 a month). Until then you do not need to pay back anything, but you can make voluntary repayments at any time.
- You pay 9% of the money you earn over £25,000, before tax. For example, if you earn £28,000 a year, your monthly repayment will be £22.50 a month; and if you earn £35,000 a year, it will be £75 per month.
- Interest is charged on a sliding scale between the Retail Price Index (RPI) and RPI +3%, depending on how much you earn.
For further information visit the Government Website, where you can also apply, or contact the College.
If you would like to discuss the Advance Learner Loan, please contact
Undergraduate Student Loans
If you are aged 19 or over and want to study an Undergraduate course with us such as an HNC or HND then you will be able to apply for student finance inclusive of:
- Tuition Fee Loans
- Maintenance Loans
You can apply up to 9 months after the start of the academic year for your course.
Repayment for these loans works in the same way as an advanced learner loan and is linked to your earnings after you have finished the course.
- You only have to start making repayments when you have finished your course and you have earning over £25,000 a year (which is £480 a week or £2083 a month). Until then you do not need to pay back anything, but you can make voluntary repayments at any time.
- You pay 9% of the money you earn over £25,000, before tax. For example, if you earn £28,000 a year, your monthly repayment will be £22.50 a month; and if you earn £35,000 a year, it will be £75 per month.
- Interest is charged on a sliding scale between the Retail Price Index (RPI) and RPI +3%, depending on how much you earn.
- You only have to start making repayments when you have finished your course and you have earning over £25,000 a year (which is £480 a week or £2083 a month). Until then you do not need to pay back anything, but you can make voluntary repayments at any time.
- You pay 9% of the money you earn over £25,000, before tax. For example, if you earn £28,000 a year, your monthly repayment will be £22.50 a month; and if you earn £35,000 a year, it will be £75 per month.
- Interest is charged on a sliding scale between the Retail Price Index (RPI) and RPI +3%, depending on how much you earn.
For further information visit the Student finance for undergraduates: Overview - GOV.UK (, where you can also apply, or contact the College.
If you would like to discuss the Undergraduate Student Loans, please contact
Are you 16-19 or have an EHCP on a full-time study programme?
Students aged under 19 on the 31st August 2024, or aged under 25 if they have an EHCP, from households on a low income may be eligible for a contribution towards travel and equipment costs*.
*The College will financially contribute 75% towards single valued course items that cost more than £100. Travel will be assessed upon the most cost-effective method of transport. The College will only pay transport for learners that live 2+ miles away from their designated campus.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this bursary, the learner must fulfil the following requirements:
- The learner must be studying an ESFA-funded programme at Abingdon & Witney College.
- Applicants must be aged between 16 -18 on the 31st August 2024 or be aged under 25 with an EHCP.
- The learner must have an annual household income of less than £30,000 per year.
- Applicants must meet the residency requirements.
You may also be eligible for Free College Meals…
Free meals funding is a targeted financial support for those who are financially ‘disadvantaged’. The Department of Education defines ‘disadvantaged’ in this context as living in a household where one or more of the following benefits are received:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 as assessed by his Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
- Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400pa
A parent or student must be in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits set out above to be eligible for free meals.
A student is only eligible to receive free meals when they, or a responsible adult on their behalf, have made a successful application via the bursary portal.
Click below to start your bursary application today:
Are you 19+ and want to study a part time/ full time course?
The 19+ Discretionary Learner Support Fund aims to financially support adults who are undertaking an ESFA funded AEB course at Abingdon & Witney College. Students aged 19 or over on the 31st August 2024 with a low income, either as an individual or living with a partner, may be eligible for support with course costs.
These course costs can include:
- Equipment
- Uniform
- Travel to College*
- Childcare**
- A contribution towards the cost of tuition fees
*Travel will be assessed upon the most cost-effective method of transport. The College will only pay transport for learners that live 2+ miles away from their designated campus.
** The College will only fund childcare if it is with a registered Ofsted provider.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this bursary, the learner must fulfil the following requirements
- The learner must be studying a Level 2 or below ESFA programme at Abingdon & Witney College.
- The applicant must be aged 19+ on the 31st August 2024.
- The learner must have a combined household annual income of less than £47,000.
- Applicants must meet the residency requirements.
Click below to start your bursary application today:
Abingdon and Witney College (
Are you interested in studying a Level 3, Level 4, Level 5 or Level 6 qualification?
The Advanced Learner Loan Bursary, is a fund which supports students who have been approved for an Advanced Learner Loan by the Student Loans Company (SLC). Students aged 19 or over on the 31st August 2024 with a low income, either as an individual or living with a partner, may be eligible for support with course related costs. Students must be studying a general or technical qualification at either level 3,4,5 and 6 at Abingdon and Witney College.
These course related costs can include:
- Childcare*
- Equipment,
- Travel to College**
*The college will only fund childcare if it is with a registered Ofsted provider.
** Travel will be assessed upon the most cost-effective method of transport. The College will only pay transport for learners that live 2+ miles away from their designated campus.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this bursary, the learner must fulfil the following requirements:
- The learner must be studying a Level 3 or above qualification ESFA programme at Abingdon & Witney College.
- The learner must have a household annual income of less than £47,000
- The applicant must be aged 19+ on the 31st August 2024.
- The learner must have an approved Advanced Learner loan from the Student Loans Company.
- Applicants must meet the residency requirements.
To Apply for an Advanced Leaner loan, Please follow the link below:
Advanced Learner Loan: Overview - GOV.UK (
Click below to start your bursary application today:
Do you want to study English for Speakers of other languages (ESOL)?
Most ESOL courses start in September, January and April. ESOL classes cost £100 - £140 approximately (depending on the number of lessons). Classes may be free if you do not have a job and are on certain benefits, or if you have a low wage.
Students aged 19 or over on the 31st August 2024 with a low income, either as an individual or living with a partner, may be eligible for support with course costs.
These course costs can include:
- Equipment
- Uniform
- Travel to College*
- Childcare**
- A contribution towards the cost of tuition fees
*Travel will be assessed upon the most cost-effective method of transport. The College will only pay transport for learners that live 2+ miles away from their designated campus.
** The College will only fund childcare if it is with a registered Ofsted provider.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this bursary, the learner must fulfil the following requirements
- The learner must be studying a Level 2 or below ESFA programme at Abingdon & Witney College.
- The applicant must be aged 19+ on the 31st August 2024.
- The learner must have a household annual income of less than £47,000.
- Applicants must meet the residency requirements.
Click below to start your bursary application today!
Please note, Bursaries administered by Abingdon & Witney College are not a given right and all students will need to apply for a bursary to receive financial support every academic year. Students are expected to attend and if attendance falls below 90% the College will stop financial support and it will be reviewed.
Start your bursary application
Our Bursary can help support you to find what you may be entitled to during your studies. To discuss your options contact:
01235 216 212 |
Contact admissions for fee support
Our Admissions team can help support you to find the best solution. To discuss your options contact:
01235 216 400 |