Abingdon & Witney College have high aspirations for every learner.
Whether you are on a journey to employment, an apprenticeship, a supported internship, higher education and/or achieving greater confidence in being independent; our support can help.
There are many different entry points to studying at college. Through our Access to Learning provision we can help students prepare for the journey into employment and/or onward study on a vocational programme with us.

Our application process
If you have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), your application to the college will be managed alongside information provided by the Local Authority. This is to ensure that we are able to support your special educational needs at the college; course offers are conditional until this agreement is in place.
During the application process, we will enquire about SEN support received in school or at other colleges. We can then plan to ensure that staff and resources are in place for when students join; this includes information on Exam Access Arrangements (EAA).
For this information to be shared, your consent is required. Please ensure you complete the relevant consent sections on your application.
Support with transition to college
There are many types of transitions; whether that is taking the first steps into college, moving between different levels of study, transitioning into work, beginning to live independently, or starting higher education.
We know that some parts of transitions can feel overwhelming, and often students need someone to be able to talk to and get the clarity they need.
If you would like to know more about our transition process or request support, please email: sentransitionenquiries@abingdon-witney.ac.uk
Transition support we provide:
- College Open Events: Representatives from the Transition and SEND Support Team are always present at College Open Events (see our Events page).
- Support with student's application, enrolment, and planning for their first day at College.
- SEND support staff at College Transition Events for new joiners.
- Carousel taster sessions for current students to explore different vocational study programmes.
- Individual tours with a Transition Co-ordinator, this can be at a quieter time or when the College is fully operational so that students can see and get a feel for what college life is all about.
- Transition Co-ordinators attending student's EHCP annual review at their current school. Please note, students should inform their school SENCO if they would like a Transition Co-ordinator to attend.
- Welcome Wednesdays events over the College holidays where students can meet with representatives from the SEND support team, orientate themselves and get to know the rest of the college team. For students who cannot make it to these events, we also have virtual tours of each campus.
- Meetings with SENCOs, Learner Support Coordinators, FEAST and the curriculum team tailored to student's needs.
- Parent and carer welcome evenings to share information around what we have planned for students at college and to answer any questions.
Support once students have joined us:
If you would like to know more about our SEND Support and/or arrange a visit to the college, please email: supportforlearning@abingdon-witney.ac.uk
- Targeted support in class, this can be 1:1 or shared support.
- 1:1 study coach support covering study skills, English and maths.
- Support in the community, this may include some sport activities, hydrotherapy, social groups, travel training, shopping and community social interactions and life skills.
- Support into employment or higher education
- Support to create a communication plan that reflects how students want to interact with others in the college, including their peers, tutors and support staff.
- Adapted learning environments, including resources, sensory rooms, trained teachers, and learner support staff.
- Specialist teachers for dyslexia, dyscalculia, and Exam Access Arrangements (EAA) assessments.
- Therapy provision where specified in the EHCP, including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy (offsite), Visual Impairment (VI) support, Hearing Impairment (HI) support and SEN Support Service (SENSS).
- Assistive technology support, supporting student's independence for learning in college and beyond.
- Preparation for EHCP annual review and sharing student aspirations ensuring their voice is always listened to.
- Experienced special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCos) to work with students to ensure we are meeting their needs in college, including their involvement in chairing their EHCP Annual Reviews.
Staff from one of our SEND teams took part in training on using Makaton and then put this training to good use, creating a short welcome video!