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A life changing support network

The support built in to the Gateway programmes is really what makes the difference and changes young peoples’ lives. You will be taught by experienced tutors who take time to listen and understand; your programme will be designed to enable you to get used to college at a pace you feel comfortable with and our programmes include coaching and support you to understand and achieve your goals.

Overcome barriers to learning

We provide an excellent support and mentoring structure that works with you and that has made a big impact on many students. Your Gateway tutor will work closely with you to help you settle in at college, and help you to achieve your goals.

So what is Gateway?

Gateway supports young people who have been out of formal education to take steps into a vocational education pathway, whatever career they aspire to have.

Our course for 16-18 year olds is designed to support those who have missed a significant amount of their education to overcome their barriers to learning, gain confidence in the college environment and take steps onto a vocational programme – students on this programme will be working at a range of levels and will be offered a personalised programme to meet their needs and aspirations.

Gateway for 14-16 year olds

We offer opportunities to access education for 14-16 year olds who are Electively Home Educated on a part time programme focused on developing English and maths and preparation for future study on a vocational course – you may also be able to access some practical lessons in a vocational area as part of your programme.

Young people aged 14-16 who are on a school roll can also access college through our school link programmes with some of our local schools – if you are interested in these programmes you should speak with your current school to see if they take part in this scheme.

Staff Profile: Lisa Rideout

Staff Profile: Lisa Rideout

Having worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry for over 12 years, Lisa decided upon a change in career due to starting a family and started working in the College's Foundation department in 2007 as a Learning Support Assistant.

Discovering her passion for working with young people students who sometimes find life a struggle, she completed her PGCE at Oxford Brookes University in 2014, before landing her dream job in the Gateway department at the College.

"Here, every day is extremely rewarding, fulfilling and gives me the opportunity to ensure I can give the students the best experience possible. It's wonderful to see students realising their potential and having that 'lightbulb moment' when everything falls into place.

Teaching allows me to inspire and make a difference in as many young peoples lives as I can. I believe that by helping students become better versions of themselves is vital to the success of our community, and that's something I am very passionate about."

Staff Profile: Laura Faulkes

Staff Profile: Laura Faulkes

Laura started at the College 16 years ago as a Learning Support Assistant (LSA), and after a few years progressed to a Progress Coach. In 2020, a job came up teaching maths and English in Fast Forward and this led to her current role as Study Programme Lead (SPL).

Laura oversees the study programme for Fast Forward and Gateway, helping to build a curriculum that is meaningful and relevant for the learners, as well as attending meetings to support learners to aid progression.

Laura teaches maths and English skills, as well as real word issues that young people might face - and importantly showing learners that there are teachers who truly care about their future.

“I had a horrible experience at school and wanted to give learners a better experience than I had. This is my goal in all I do at the College, showing learners that education can be okay.”

“I have loved my time at Abingdon & Witney College and I can't think of a more rewarding role, seeing the students grow in confidence, day by day.”

Staff Profile: Tracey Cutts

Staff Profile: Tracey Cutts

Tracey trained as a Florist after leaving school and eventually found her way into teaching, joining the College at the Common Leys Farm teaching floristry to adult learners.

She moved roles at the College to become a Work Experience Coach in the Fast Forward department when her children started school, and jumped at the opportunity when the Lecturer vacancy became available.

"The biggest benefit for Fast Forward students is routine; having a sense of purpose to get up in the morning, having something to focus on, and whilst in college forgetting about any external issues.

To know that they have support at college for anything they have going on is absolutely huge for our students. That, and getting an education to support their future.

I love the diverse students who learn in Fast Forward. They teach me things about life and give me reason for coming to work to help them."

Staff Profile: James Atkins

Staff Profile: James Atkins

James was an ex-student of Abingdon & Witney College, where he studied A levels and worked as a part-time Childcare Supervisor at White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre.

Since then, he's studied Psychology and Anthropology at Oxford Brookes University; volunteered for Oxfordshire Mind; and worked for Oxfordshire Young Carers Project as a Case Worker, among other roles.

James worked for 6 years in Pathways as Course Leader, before becoming Curriculum Manager of Access to Learning last year.

“It is a joy to be part of our students' learner experience and journey.

I have always enjoyed being able to give students the opportunity to engage with their education, and helping each student progress into employment and further education which moves them closer to their aspirations.

We do so much more than challenging our students academically; we work with them to develop life skills, to enjoy enrichment activities and trips within their community, and also prepare for their next steps into employment."

Did you know?

In our 2024 inspection, Ofsted highlighted the value of the College’s ‘Outstanding’ provision for learners with high needs, to both parents and learners within the local community.


Previous school:
Henry Box School

Chloe joined the Gateway programme and then progressed to complete her Level 2 AAT Accounting qualification. She is now a full-time Accounts Assistant at All Wheel Trim in Witney.

"Gateway was really useful to me and my tutor Lisa gave me so much support and encouragement.

She helped prepare me for the world of work and to decide what I wanted to do with my life as I had no idea. She gave me guidance and helped me build my confidence. She helped me gain the skills which led to me getting a job.

In my current role, I'm getting lots of experience and one day I'd like to do more bookkeeping qualifications."


Previous school:
UTC Oxfordshire

It's a more independent atmosphere here - it's down to me now whether I attend and it makes me more responsible. The College gives me trust, which I didn't have before, and they offer really good support.

Steve my tutor is really encouraging and he treats you with respect. He makes sure everyone enjoys the lesson and he makes learning fun.

I'm studying on the Hairdressing course and in the future, I want to cut hair for children with learning disabilities who are not comfortable going to the salon.


Previous school:

I like everything about the College; it's friendly, the people are nice and helpful, and they offer lots of support with my English (it's my second language).

The tutors are very understanding and kind. They explain everything very clearly and make learning something to look forward to.

I wanted to learn English and maths before I study Hair & Beauty full-time, and Gateway was the right option for me to progress in a supported environment.

Your future career

Progressing from a Gateway programme can lead to getting a part- or full-time job, another course at college, supported training in the workplace, or even an apprenticeship!

Gateway courses


School Leaver P08503

Our Gateway Programme is a flexible study programme designed for young people who have been out of formal education. This programme provides a welcoming and supportive environment where you can re-engage with learning, overcome barriers, and build th...

8th Sept 2025 - 3rd Jul 2026

Monday to Friday


Witney Campus

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School Leaver P08500

Our Gateway Programme is a flexible study programme designed for young people who have been out of formal education. This programme provides a welcoming and supportive environment where you can re-engage with learning, overcome barriers, and build th...

8th Sept 2025 - 3rd Jul 2026

Monday to Friday


Abingdon Campus

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School Leaver GFWM200P

Gateway supports young people who have been out of formal education to take steps into a vocational education pathway, whatever career they aspire to have. This programme is designed to support those aged 16+ (ie after Year 11) who have missed a sign...

9th Sept 2024 - 4th Jul 2025

Monday to Friday


Witney Campus

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School Leaver GFAM200P

Gateway supports young people who have been out of formal education to take steps into a vocational education pathway, whatever career they aspire to have. This programme is designed to support those aged 16+ (ie after Year 11) who have missed a sign...

9th Sept 2024 - 4th Jul 2025

Monday to Friday


Abingdon Campus

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