The College staff and my tutors are so helpful and supportive to make things easier for me. I feel more motivated to come to college and feel included, as things can be flexible and adjusted to support my autism.
I like the independence of college life and the facilities, one example is the space in the library where you can work quietly. College and some of its staff have helped improve and build my confidence and because I’ve also completed courses in Art & Design and Public Services, I feel I have lots of career options now.
Now I’m on the Health & Social Care level 3 course, which I enjoy. I chose this because I care for my sister who has autism and mental health issues.
In the future I want to improve the care services, and make life more accessible for those with autism. This is something I’m very passionate about.
I also won a Student of the Year Award this year. It was exciting to win and to go to the Awards with my family, I’m really proud of myself and it’s something that will look great on my CV.