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GCSE Results Day 2023

24th Aug 2023

This Morning, Abingdon & Witney College welcomed back familiar faces as our students returned to campus to pick up their GCSE results and started to enrol onto their courses for the upcoming academic year.

Congratulations to all our students who received their results this morning, and our dedicated team who have supported them throughout the year. Your hard work and dedication towards your exams has not gone unrecognised and we couldn’t be prouder. You have individually achieved extraordinary results, despite the years of disruption to your education.

One success story is Fynn Broughton, he was excited to have achieved a grade 6 in his English GCSE meaning he could progress on to a Level 3 Games Development course this year and told us: “I worked hard with the team last year and that meant I was able to get the result I needed, I’m really excited to be moving onto the course I wanted to!”

We would also like to offer a warm welcome to all our new students who are coming to enrol for their courses, having collected their results at school this morning. We will have staff on-site at Abingdon and Witney until 7pm this evening (24th August) and everyday throughout September to help you enrol on your programme. If you have already confirmed your place at the College, please check your inbox for the details we have sent about which day and time you can come to College to enrol for your course.

Finally, if you have just collected your results and you are still not sure about your next steps, please drop into college any weekday in September to talk about your options with our team. We will have staff available to offer careers advice, discuss student support services, SEND support, apprenticeships, and higher education. Our subject specialist staff across all levels will be available on campus to answer any questions you have and help you to see what College could offer you.

It’s not too late to enrol on a course at college and there’s a place for you here, whatever your results.