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Art Exhibition is a roaring success

4th Jul 2023

The Roysse Room, famous for its ornate barrelled ceiling that dates back to 1440, is normally used to celebrate weddings. But for three days, a room which once hosted dinner for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, celebrated something a little different. In an open exhibition, the general public had the chance to see the incredible artistic work of students from ‘Oxfordshire Adult Learning’ (part of Abingdon & Witney College).

From ceramics to drawing and screen printing to water colours, this was an exhibition not to be missed. An eclectic mix of talented people created an abundance of work that wowed and amazed those who visited.

OAL art expo June 23 - Katie Byrne

Katie, who found her art passion with Oxfordshire Adult Learning, showed us some of the glass fusion work she had created on her most recent course

Katie said

"[My] fine Art Degree and doing courses gives me the chance to be creative because I'm not creative in my day-to-day job."

OAL art expo june 23 - Lin Dewsnapp & Tatiana Wise

We also bumped into Lin Dewsnap and her tutor Tatiana Wise.

"I was inspired to embark on a career as an independent artist after the encouragement I received in my classes with Tatiana. After attending a part-time course, I pursued an Access Course in Art and Design (with Abingdon & Witney College), before going onto a degree in Fine Arts, and I have just recently completed a master's in fine art! It’s all thanks to Tatiana for seeing my potential!”

Heidi Jordison, Head of Faculty, Oxfordshire Adult Learning, said

“Seeing all of our learners’ work displayed collectively makes a real impression. The quality of the work is outstanding and gives us, as staff, a reason to be truly proud of our learners’ achievements. Drawing, painting, sewing, cooking and all the other magnificent courses we offer, benefit our learners in many ways. It's not just the act of drawing or the act of painting. Learning enriches lives as new skills are acquired. In addition, there are positive impacts on mental health, social interaction and the development of community. Therein lies the beauty of Adult Education!"

OAL art expo June 23 - Glass work
OAL art expo June 23 - Fabric
OAL art expo June 23 - Paintings

The Art Exhibition was an overall success with a constant flow of interested people visiting over the three-day event.

Have you been inspired? Would you love to see something you have created in an exhibition like this? If so, then why not explore some of the links below and see how we could help you find your passion.