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New Degree Apprenticeship to Specialise in Digital Technology

8th Jan 2020

A new degree-level programme is set to bring exciting opportunities to workforces and ambitious apprentices across Oxfordshire in 2020.

The Digital Technology Solutions Professional degree apprenticeship is to be delivered as a partnership between Abingdon & Witney College and Middlesex University, who will validate the degree.

It has been created with the input of Oxfordshire employers within the sector, who have identified skills gaps and who see the value in looking towards the local apprentice talent pool to fill their skills gaps.

There are two specialist areas that apprentices can choose from; Network Engineering or Software Engineering. In both, professional employability skills are developed, such as understanding business requirements and translating them into technical solutions.

And with around 80% of the learning taking place at work, it is the ideal route towards earning a degree and ensuring apprentices are up-to-speed with the latest industry knowledge, all while developing important industry contacts to further enhance their career prospects.

At the College, where theory is taught in high-quality facilities, there is plenty of contact time with tutors and module leaders due to smaller class sizes.

Apprentices and employers are both also supported by the College’s Apprenticeship team, who have in recent years been graded as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, won multiple regional awards, and are currently in the running for three national awards at the 2020 Annual Apprenticeship Conference (AAC) Apprenticeship Awards.

Mark Byerly, Head of Faculty for Technology, said:

“We are extremely excited to be offering the Digital Technology Solutions programme for 2020.

We’ve done our research and we know that there is a desperate need for trained digital technology professionals in Oxfordshire. By taking this route, an apprentice can really understand the business they work for alongside earning both a wage and a recognised degree from a leading University.

Everything is in place at the College to help them succeed. Fantastic facilities, expert tutors, and established links to employers who are actively searching for motivated apprentices.”

Get in touch today to express your interest in the Digital Technology Solutions degree apprenticeship, as an employer or as an apprentice: | 01235 216 216