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Chinese visitors gain insight into agricultural teaching at the Farm

18th Nov 2019

The group, from Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College, comprised of twelve tutors and academics, along with an interpreter. They were looking at how agricultural vocational training is delivered in the UK.

Prior to arriving at Common Leys site, they had visited a local pig farm and the previous day had lectures on farming standards and methods delivered at the University of Oxford.

The visit was led by Gao Chongmin, President of the Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College in Nanning, in the autonomous Guangxi Province of southern China, bordering Vietnam.

Head of faculty meeting Gao Chongmin President of Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College
Head of faculty Pam Willsher meeting Gao Chongmin, President of Guangxi Agricultural Vocational College

David Williams, who is the Chief Executive of Oxford UK Excellence said: “We’ve found that Common Leys is the best place in Oxfordshire to take our Chinese agricultural groups – they really appreciate seeing the hands-on and practical approach to agricultural training that goes on there.”