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Animal Management Students enjoy ten-day Herpetology expedition in Greece

22nd Apr 2024

This Easter, our Level 3 Animal Management students had an exciting opportunity to enjoy a ten-day expedition in Messenia, Greece with Captive & Field Herpetology.

Captive & Field Herpetology is an organisation which aims to bridge the knowledge gap between reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna) in captivity and the wild, ultimately increasing understanding of the diverse group of organisms.

Each year, the company host international expeditions, providing an insight into snakebite, conservation, and the development of field biology techniques, through the lens of their highly experienced and skilled experts.

Our students had the opportunity to join the team in Greece, undertaking fieldwork to come across some amazing finds, including chameleons, vipers, flamingos, freshwater turtles, wasp spiders, scorpions, salamanders, and colubrid snakes.

The experts provide hands-on training in survey techniques, the safe handling of wild herps, photography, and introduced how to collect samples such as scale, blood and venom.

During their trip, our students contributed entries to iNaturalist, a nonprofit social network which aims to build on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe. The students have had many of their entries confirmed, with records now approved at research level that detail their finds.

The trip provided an excellent opportunity for our students to develop their knowledge and understanding of herpetology, supporting their academic studies and helping them each to develop an appreciation of the importance of research and field work to future proofing these animals.

Alongside developing their technical skills, the expedition offered our students a well-deserved and enjoyable change of scene, as they stayed in stunning self-catering accommodation on the beach in Messenia, honing their cooking skills at night, and they even had the opportunity to soak in the culture in Athens prior to their return.

If you would like to find out more about our Animal Management courses, and new provision of Higher National Diploma (HNDs), please click the links below.