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An Inspiring Story: Alumni Alex Shares Journey to Distinction in Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship

21st Oct 2024

This month, we caught up with Alex MacBryan, Lead Industry Placement Coordinator, and recent Abingdon & Witney College graduate, as he celebrates finishing our Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship, offered in partnership with Oxford Brookes University.

Alex graduated with an upper second-class and a distinction in his End Point Assessment - a portfolio evidencing all the projects that he has completed during his time at the College.

In an inspiring interview, Alex shared how he came to join our apprenticeship, what his highlights have been, his tips for success, and the advice that he would give to someone considering their next steps after A Levels.

How did you come about starting a degree apprenticeship with Abingdon & Witney College?

"I had initially planned to complete the same degree at another university as a full-time student. I came across this role on Oxfordshire Apprenticeships and thought it would work well with my lifestyle as I could remain in Oxford with family and friends, whilst earning and studying.

I interviewed for a faculty administrative role at the College which allowed me to study as Chartered Management Degree Apprentice. However, after the interview, the panel thought that my background in recruitment and sales would be better suited for an Industry Placement Coordinator role that they were recruiting for at the time. Fortunately, I interviewed for that role and loved my job ever since.

As a 21-year-old at the time I wanted a new challenge, and to see what I could achieve after receiving A-Level results that did not reflect my abilities. I’ve always had a passion for customer service and been a natural leader throughout my lifetime, so the degree apprenticeship just seemed to fit perfectly!

To this day, I thank all my lucky stars I changed my plan from going to university as this degree apprenticeship has been the best thing that’s happened for me so far!"

What has been the highlight of your degree?

“My highlight would have been my graduation, just being surrounded by my family and all my classmates and seeing everyone be so proud. That day will stay with me forever as it offered a real sense of achievement and just seeing how far my class had developed across the three years was truly special.”

How have you found doing your degree apprenticeship with Abingdon & Witney College?

“I have been very fortunate to work under multiple managers so being able to compare them to the leadership & management modules taught throughout the degree made it more insightful. The lecturing team are truly amazing, they’re all so wise and offer continuous support at any point.

My journey to achieving the degree wasn’t easy as I had to cope with losing grandparents at quite ‘peak’ times regarding assignments but without the support from the lecturing team, I don’t think I would have been able to pick myself up. I will forever be truly grateful for their support during that difficult time for me!”

Is there any part of doing a degree apprenticeship that surprised you?

“Upon reflection going into studies, I thought I would have no spare time due to always studying. Although there were periods when studying was relentless, I found it quite easy to balance it all as I continued to go on holidays and meet up with friends as that was my opportunity to switch off, which is essential!”

What advice would you give to someone looking to do a degree apprenticeship?

“If you have the opportunity to work alongside different managers, 100% do so! This offers the chance to work under different leadership styles (autocratic, transformational etc.) to give you an insight into what you work best under and the importance of adaptability.

The degree apprenticeship taught me that every employee prefers to be managed differently, and an effective manager is able to recognise this. That’s what I’ve looked to implement within my new role as Lead Industry Placement Coordinator.

I will continue to go into schools to promote the idea of apprenticeships & apprenticeship degrees as I believe they are a better avenue to a full-time degree as you get the ‘application of your studies’ part more effectively.”

Thank you to Alex for sharing your brilliant achievement and journey into a degree apprenticeship with us. Your achievement is a brilliant example of what can be achieved through a degree apprenticeship. Congratulations, we look forward to seeing what you get up to next!

To find out more about degree apprenticeships and our higher education provision provided in partnership with Oxford Brookes University, please click here.