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Understanding the Teenage brain

Understanding the Teenage brain

Event details:

Starts on 18th May 2022 at 18:30 / Ends at 18th May 2022 at 19:30

Event description:

Are you worried & confused about your pre-teen/teenage children?

Are you concerned about your relationship with them?

Do you feel you can't get through?

Are they sleeping too much?

Have they started being more adventurous & taking more risks than normal?

Well you'll be pleased to know that all of the above are actually fairly normal. As a teen develops, their brain chemistry changes, which in turn changes how they understand and react to the world around them.

For example, did you know that a teenager needs about 9-10 hours sleep a night, but it may take them as long as 2 hours to fall asleep! This is because their brains need to unpick & download the day, before filing it away for the night.

Supporting mental health and the local community are extremely important to us. So as part of our Charlie Waller week, we wanted to host a FREE workshop aimed at parents & carers of pre-teen & teenagers. The simple aim being to help you understand what is going on inside their heads & to give you some ideas on how you can help overcome some of the challenges parenting a teenager brings.

There is no need to sign up, simply log on via zoom using the details below on Wednesday evening. We hope you find it useful.

Click here to join

Meeting ID: 873 1862 1330

Passcode: 279674