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Computing (Software Development) T Level

Course code: P04568

Subject area: Computing & Digital Technologies

Study level: School Leaver

Course level: 3

Course details

Course time:

09:00 - 17:00

Days of week:

Monday to Friday

Course date:

8th Sept 2025 - 25th Jun 2027

Course location:

Witney Campus

Contact details


01993 703 464

T-Levels are a brand new type of qualification designed to give young people a new two-year, full-time study vocational programme equivalent to 3 A Levels. These new qualifications bring classroom learning and an extended industry placement together on a course designed with businesses and employers, helping prepare students to meet the needs of industry and work. The Digital T-Level course is for students who wish to progress into skilled IT employment or higher-level technical training or study.
This course includess: Digital Production, Design and Development, Employer set project , Industry placement within the industryThis T-Level has been developed in collaboration with employers so the content meets the needs of industry, preparing students for the workplace.

There will be a mixture of classroom-based teaching and learning and ‘on-the-job' learning as the course involves at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days) of Industrial Placement.

This new qualification provides the essential knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to any digital occupation. You'll learn about the value of digital technology and gain an understanding of customer and commercial needs, alongside the ethical and moral issues raised by the increasing reliance on technology and its impact on culture, autonomous operations and addiction. Use of physical, virtual and Cloud digital environments, emerging technology trends and the application of tools and testing to influence innovation, algorithms and usability are a key part of the course.

Course units
T Levels are made up of three elements:

Core Component

(1) This will be split into two parts:

Technical knowledge and skills relevant to the T Levels industry. You’ll need to demonstrate that you:

Understand how your industry works;

Understand how occupational specialisms fit within the industry; and

Know the working practices in the industry.

An employer-set project which will require you to apply your knowledge and skills to a set challenge.

(2) Specialist Skills

You’ll learn specialist skills for your industry in a classroom-based environments, such as workshops. You will need to show evidence of your achievement and demonstrate your ability to work in your chosen industry.

(3) Industry Placements

Industry placements are an essential part of the T Level qualification, and you’ll complete between 45-60 days in a placement. This means you’ll develop the workplace skills that employers are looking for, gain a clearer idea about the job and even the possibility of opportunities to secure future employment!

You will be taught on campus with a full time programme of lessons in our engineering workshops. We provide the specialist knowledge and industry expertise to prepare you for employment with some of the best engineering companies and employers. You will also work with one of our partner employers, each one leaders in their field, who will help you apply the theory and skills learnt in college to real industry applications.

What next?
The sky is the limit! When you complete your T Level, you’ll have lots of opportunities including:

Employment in a skilled occupationHigher or degree level apprenticeshipsHigher level study, including university

Entry criteria
5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English and Maths OR a pass at Level 2 and English and Maths grade 4 or above.
Fee information
There are bursaries available to help you with other course cost, call 01235 216 298 for more information.

The 19+ full fee button displays the full fee that may apply, the rules on fee reduction are complicated and we would encourage you to talk to our Admissions staff on 01235 555 585 to discuss your options. Also see the Course Fees & Finance page by searching Fees and bursaries link at the top of the screen.

As part of your course we may organise trips to assist you with your learning. Trips are optional, and you will not be penalised if you choose not to participate.

There are bursaries available to help you with other course costs. Call 01235 216 212 for more information.

The rules on fee reduction are complicated and we would encourage you to talk to our Admissions staff on 01235 216 400 to discuss your options. You can find more information on our Fees and Bursaries page - search "Fees and Bursaries" at the top of the page.

16-18 Fee:


Qualifications received
T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development
Learning & method assessment
You will be taught on campus with a full time programme of lessons in our engineering workshops. We provide the specialist knowledge and industry expertise to prepare you for employment with some of the best engineering companies and employers. You will also work with one of our partner employers, each one leaders in their field, who will help you apply the theory and skills learnt in college to real industry applications.
User skills
As well as the technical and practical skills you will gain a range of transferable skills including written and oral communication, team working, self-management, time management, leadership, self-confidence and self-directed learning.
You will gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours that you need to gain employment or to progress you onto your next level of study.