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Solar Photovoltaic Systems - NOS Mapped

Course code: XSAV057P

Subject area: Construction

Study level: Part Time

Course level:

Course details

Course time:

09:00 - 16:00

Days of week:

Monday to Wednesday

Course date:

17th Feb 2025 - 31st Jul 2025

Course location:

Abingdon Campus

Contact details


01235 555 585

The aim of this course is to provide electricians with the skills and knowledge required to install small scale photovoltaic (PV) systems. The qualification has been structured to meet the requirements of the National Occupational Standards and is recognised as a demonstration of competence for the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS).
Course Dates-17/02/2025 to 19/02/202517/03/2025 to 19/03/202528/04/2025 to 30/04/202519/05/2025 to 21/05/202530/06/2025 to 02/07/2025

On this course you will cover the following units:• Photovoltaic panels in context of renewable technologies• How a Photovoltaic system works – principles and components• Design of a PV system• Installation of a PV system• Commissioning and Client Hand Over• Maintenance and Fault Finding

Course units
Photovoltaic panels in context of renewable technologies
How a Photovoltaic system works – principles and components
Design of a PV system
Installation of a PV system
Commissioning and Client Hand Over
Maintenance and Fault Finding
What next?
The Net Zero Skills Hub also has a range of introductory and accredited courses to develop your knowledge and skills.

Following this course you would usually complete the Electrical Energy Storage Systems Course.

Entry criteria
Learners must be competent electricians and hold one of the qualifications listed below and BS 7671: 2018 Requirements for Electrical Installations (18th Edition) qualification:

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electrotechnical Systems and Equipment (Buildings, Structures and the Environment) (2357)Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Electrotechnical Services (Electrical Maintenance)(2357)Level 3 Electrotechnical Qualification (5357)Level 3 in Electrotechnical Services Experienced Worker (2356)Level 3 NVQ in Electrotechnical Services – Electrical Installation (Building and Structures)Level 3 Electrotechnical Experienced Worker Qualification.(2346)Level 3 Electrotechnical in DwellingsEAL Building Services Engineering (Level 3) – Electrotechnical InstallationEquivalent historical qualifications. See EAS Table 4B/4C, and the EAS Qualifications Guide ECS Gold Card (for domestic electrician), JIB Electrician (Not PAT tester only) or Approved Electrician CardOther Awarding Organisations equivalences will also be acceptable

For learners in Scotland:Any of the above orSVQ in Electrical Installation at SCQF level 7 and up to date BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations

Fee information
Course fee is £695. There may be government funding available for part/all of the course fees - please contact the college for more information.

As part of your course we may organise trips to assist you with your learning. Trips are optional, and you will not be penalised if you choose not to participate.

There are bursaries available to help you with other course costs. Call 01235 216 212 for more information.

The rules on fee reduction are complicated and we would encourage you to talk to our Admissions staff on 01235 216 400 to discuss your options. You can find more information on our Fees and Bursaries page - search "Fees and Bursaries" at the top of the page.

19+ Fee:


19+ Reduced Fee:


Qualifications received
Recognised as a demonstration of competence for the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS).

Certificates are normally valid for 5 years.