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HR Support Level 3 Apprenticeship

Course code: XMZP611P

Subject area: Human Resources

Study level: Apprenticeship

Course level: 3

Course details

Course time:

09:00 - 17:00

Days of week:


Course date:

1st Aug 2024 - 31st Jul 2025

Course location:

Off Site

Contact details


01235 216 216

HR Professionals in this role are typically either working in a medium to large organisation as part of the HR function delivering front line support to managers and employees, or are a HR Manager in a small organisation.
Their work is likely to include handling day to day queries and providing HR advice; working on a range of HR processes, ranging from transactional to relatively complex, from recruitment through to retirement; using HR systems to keep records; providing relevant HR information to the business; working with the business on HR changes. They will typically be taking ownership for providing advice to managers on a wide range of HR issues using company policy and current law, giving guidance that is compliant and where errors could expose the organisation to employment tribunals or legal risk. In a larger organisation they may also have responsibility for managing a small team – this aspect is outside the scope of this apprenticeship and will need to be covered separately by the employer.


• 13 months practical training period, plus 6 months for End Point Assessment

Delivery model:

• Work-based training with your employer

• Day release during term time (approximately 1 day a week)

• Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English (7 days at college for each, if required)

• Off the job training will count for at least 6 hours a week of an apprentice’s time at work

Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Human Resources Practice

• Level 3 HR Support Apprenticeship

End Point Assessment:

• Consultative project

• Professional discussion

Course units
What will apprentices learn?

• Understands the structure of the organisation; the products and services it delivers; the external market and sector within which it operates; where their role fits in the organisation; the ‘Values’ by which it operates and how these apply to their role.

• Basic understanding of HR in their sector and any unique features. Good understanding of HR legislation and the HR Policy framework of the organisation. Sound understanding of the HR Policies that are relevant to their role. Knows where to find expert advice.

• Understands the role and focus of HR within the organisation; its business plan / priorities and how these apply to their role.

• Understands the systems, tools and processes used in the role, together with the standards to be met, including the core HR systems used by the organisation.

What next?
The successful apprentice may be eligible to apply for Associate membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) or any other professional body that recognises this apprenticeship within its membership criteria (membership is subject to the professional bodies own membership requirements). It forms the foundation of a career within the profession, giving the base for further development through a career path within an organisation and/or through the HR Consultant/Partner apprenticeship.
Entry criteria
Applicants are likely to have 4 GCSEs A*- C / 9 - 4, including Maths and English, or equivalent, and will need to demonstrate the ability to achieve all elements of the apprenticeship during their programme, including working in a suitable job role.
Fee information
Free to apprentices. This apprenticeship has a £4,500 funding band. Small companies will need to make a contribution of £225; large companies could pay through the apprenticeship levy if they have funds available.
Qualifications received
Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• CIPD Level 3 Diploma in Human Resources Practice

• Level 3 HR Support Apprenticeship