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Health & Social Care and Early Years Level 2

Course code: P09805

Subject area: Health & Social Care

Study level: School Leaver

Course level: 2

Course details

Course time:

09:00 - 17:00

Days of week:

Monday to Friday

Course date:

8th Sept 2025 - 3rd Jul 2026

Course location:

Witney Campus

Contact details


01993 703 464

This course provides the basics for working within a wide range of settings such as schools and care homes, with a variety of care users, from children to the elderly. T-Level Foundation Programmes are a qualification designed to prepare young people for the Health or Education and Early Years L3 T Levels or to progress to an Apprenticeship.
The Extended Diploma includes 7 units and work experience is a compulsory part of the qualification. As part of your study programme you will be working towards improving your maths and English skills, attend work placements and take part in a variety of enrichment activities all of which will focus on your employability skills.

Do you enjoy helping others? Would you like to make a positive difference to the lives of service users? A career in health and social care or early years is both challenging and fulfilling.

Course units
- Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care

- Human growth and development

- Safeguarding and protection in health and social care

- Communication in health and social care

- Working in health and social care

- Creative activities in health and social care

- Mental health and well-being

What next?
You can progress to the Level 3 T Level in Health or T Level in Education and Childcare, continue onto an apprenticeship, or enter employment.
Entry criteria
4 GCSES at grade 3 including 2 of English, Maths and Science, OR Level 1 pass in a related subject plus grade 3 in English or Maths, and both subjects must be at least grade 2 / Level 1 Functional Skills.
Fee information
Additional fees will be discussed further in your interview and are approximately as follows : £70 for a uniform, £30 for textbooks, £45 for First Aid and £45 for guest speakers and trips.

As part of your course we may organise trips to assist you with your learning. Trips are optional, and you will not be penalised if you choose not to participate.

There are bursaries available to help you with other course costs. Call 01235 216 212 for more information.

The rules on fee reduction are complicated and we would encourage you to talk to our Admissions staff on 01235 216 400 to discuss your options. You can find more information on our Fees and Bursaries page - search "Fees and Bursaries" at the top of the page.

16-18 Fee:


19+ Fee:


19+ Reduced Fee:


Qualifications received
NCFE CACHE L2 Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care
Learning & method assessment
Range of assignment based activities including written reports, designing leaflets and posters and delivering presentations. A work placement is compulsory with assessed placement observations.
User skills
You will gain the knowledge , understanding and skills that you need to prepare for employment. Key transferable skills you will learn are communication skills, team working, independent study skills, personable skills, organisational skills and time management skills.