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Carpentry & Joinery - Architectural Joiner Level 3 Apprenticeship

Course code: XMBS200P

Subject area: Carpentry & Joinery

Study level: Apprenticeship

Course level: 3

Course details

Course time:

Days of week:


Course date:

1st Aug 2024 - 31st Jul 2025

Contact details


01235 541111

Carpentry and Joinery apprentices typically either work on a construction site as a Site Carpenter or in a workshop as an Architectural Joiner. Separate information about site carpentry is also available
Architectural Joiners produce building components by setting out, marking out and manufacturing products both straight and/or curved/shaped, including doors, windows, staircases and associated ironmongery. Architectural joiners are typically based in a workshop, rather than on site, and will liaise regularly with workshop colleagues and supervisors as well as architects, designers and customers. They will work within a team, under supervision and will use machinery and or tools to create structures or components from designs, plans and specifications that meet the client’s expectations. Advanced Architectural Joiners have responsibility for managing their own and other people’s work, and carry out complex and non-standard work

Delivery model:

• Work-based training with your employer

• Day release during term time (approximately 1 day per week for 13 months)

• Approximately 5 on-site visits per year

• Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English (7 days at college for each, if required)

• Off the job training will count for at least 6 hours a week of an apprentice’s time at work

Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• SiteRight Fire Door Installation Awareness

End Point Assessment:

• Multiple choice knowledge test

• Practical test

• Professional discussion based on a portfolio of evidence

Course units
What will apprentices learn?

• Key aspects of health, safety and welfare and how to apply these, in more detail that at level 2

• How to plan and carry out work effectively, taking into account complex challenges

• How to develop and maintain excellent working relationships with others

• How to access data needed to plan and execute work tasks accurately

• Broader responsibilities under current legislation

• The importance of team working and being prepared to take a lead

• The technical principles of advanced architectural joinery to set out and produce cutting lists for

complex and non-standard products, marking, manufacturing, fitting and assembling complex, nonstandard products

• How to take complex site and workplace dimensions such as measuring curved openings and

ensuring the units fit obtuse/ acute angles walls

• How to form and proportion advanced wood joints such as subbed rebae joints, stub mortice and

tenon joints and bridle joints

• How to set up, use and maintain fixed machinery used for complex tasks such as developing and

using specialist jigs

• If required by the employer, the principles of computer aided design (CAD), and/ or computer

numerically controlled (CNC) machinery

What behaviours will apprentices develop?

• Effective communication: oral, written, listening, body language and presentation

• Effective team working; Independent working

• Logical thinking

• Working effectively

• Time management

• Adaptability

What next?
Successful completion of this apprenticeship will help you to secure full time employment in the sector and could lead to higher level study in the future.
Entry criteria
Applicants are likely to have achieved a Level 2 apprenticeship and have 4 GCSEs A*- D/ 9 - 4 or equivalent and will need to demonstrate the ability to achieve all elements of the apprenticeship during their programme, including working in a suitable job role.
Fee information
Free to apprentices. This apprenticeship has a £13,000 funding band. Small companies will need to make a small contribution of £650; large companies could pay through the apprenticeship levy if they have funds available.
Qualifications received
Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• Level 3 Advanced Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship

User skills
What skills will apprentices gain?

• Working safely and pro-actively in the application of good health and safety practice

• How to understand the programme and work schedule for their work area and plan their work

• Developing good working relationships with managers, supervisors and colleagues

• Determining the best way of carrying out the work and ensure this communicated clearly

• Interpreting technical specification and ensure compliance with legislation

• Selecting the required quantity and quality of resources required for carrying out non-standard and

complex work

• How to take a lead when working in a team, especially when complex or non-standard work is


• Using a range of advanced trade skills to carry out complex work tasks including complex door sets,

doors, windows, units and fitments, staircases and products with single/ double curvature features

• Using, maintaining, and storing marking and testing tools, hand tools, power tools etc

• Setting up and using circular saws, planers, thciknessers, bandsaws, morticers, tenoners, spindle

moulders, drills, grinders and sanders

• Produce computer aided design (CAD) setting out details, and

producing products using computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery