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Business Administrator Level 3 Apprenticeship

Course code: XMZQ120P

Subject area: Business Administration

Study level: Apprenticeship

Course level: 3

Course details

Course time:

09:00 - 17:00

Days of week:


Course date:

Flexible Start - 31st Jul 2025

Course location:

Off Site

Contact details


01235 216 216

Business administrators have a highly transferable set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be applied in all sectors. This includes small and large businesses alike; from the public sector, private sector and charitable sector.

The role may involve working independently or as part of a team and will involve developing, implementing, maintaining and improving administrative services. Business administrators develop key skills and behaviours to support their own progression towards management responsibilities.


• 15 months practical training period, plus 3 months for End Point Assessment

Delivery model:

• Work-based training with your employer

• 10 days college attendance to complete the Business Professionals course

• Approximately 12 on-site assessment visits per year

• Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English (7 days at college for each, if required)

• Off the job training will count for at least 6 hours a week of an apprentice’s time at work

Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship

End Point Assessment:

• Knowledge test

• Portfolio based interview

• Project/improvement presentation

Course units
What will apprentices learn?

• Understands organisational purpose, activities, aims, values, vision for the future, resources and the way that the political/economic environment affects the organisation.

• Knows organisational structure and demonstrates understanding of how their work benefits the organisation. Knows how they fit within their team and recognises how their skills can help them to progress their career.

• Has a practical knowledge of managing stakeholders and their differing relationships to an organisation. This includes internal and external customers, clients and/or suppliers. Liaises with internal/external customers, suppliers or stakeholders from inside or outside the UK. Engages and fosters relationships with suppliers and partner organisations.

• Understands laws and regulations that apply to their role including data protection, health & safety, compliance etc. Supports the company in applying the regulations.

• Understands the organisation's internal policies and key business policies relating to sector.

• Understands the applicability of business principles such as managing change, business finances and project management.

What next?
The administration role may be a gateway to further career opportunities, such as management or senior support roles.
Entry criteria
Applicants are likely to have 4 GCSEs grade A* - C / 9 – 4 and are required to have at least one grade A* - C / 9 – 4 in GCSE English or Maths, or equivalent., and will need to demonstrate the ability to achieve all elements of the apprenticeship during their programme, including working in a suitable job role.
Fee information
Free to apprentices. This apprenticeship has a £5,000 funding band. Small companies will need to make a contribution of £250; large companies could pay through the apprenticeship levy if they have funds available.
Qualifications received
Qualifications included:

• Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths

• Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship

User skills
What skills will apprentices gain?

• How to use of multiple IT packages and systems relevant to the organisation in order to: write letters or emails, create proposals, perform financial processes, record and analyse data. Examples include MS Office or equivalent packages. Able to choose the most appropriate IT solution to suit the business problem. Able to update and review databases, record information and produce data analysis where required.

• How to produce accurate records and documents including: emails, letters, files, payments, reports and proposals. Makes recommendations for improvements and present solutions to management. Drafts correspondence, writes reports and able to review others' work. Maintains records and files, handles confidential information in compliance with the organisation's procedures. Coaches others in the processes required to complete these tasks.

• How to exercise proactivity and good judgement. Makes effective decisions based on sound reasoning and is able to deal with challenges in a mature way. Seeks advice of more experienced team members when appropriate.

• How to build and maintain positive relationships within their own team and across the organisation. Demonstrates ability to influence and challenge appropriately. Becomes a role model to peers and team members, developing coaching skills as they gain area knowledge.

• How to demonstrate good communication skills, whether face-to-face, on the telephone, in writing or on digital platforms. Uses the most appropriate channels to communicate effectively. Demonstrates agility and confidence in communications, carrying authority appropriately. Understands and applies social media solutions appropriately. Answers questions from inside and outside of the organisation, representing the organisation or department.

What behaviours will apprentices develop?

• Professionalism

• Personal qualities

• Managing per