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Learn from leading practitioners

If you want to get into teaching, we can help. We have teachers with experience across the whole education spectrum and who all share a passion and enthusiasm for the industry.

A dynamic and exciting class environment

Through our Digital Learning team at the College, we use the latest in educational tech so that our teachers, and those who are studying to be one, are up-to-date with software and learning tools.

Explore a wide arena of rich and diverse teaching contexts to support your qualification.

Through a mix of theory and practice, our Teacher & Assessor Training courses are interactive and lively, offering a wide range of activities and resources to support your understanding of teaching and learning.

You will get involved in pair and group work, discovery learning, trying out new activities and exploring theories through practical tasks that bring the subject to life and can be transferred to the classroom. You will also carry out research and participate in group tasks where results are presented to your peers to develop presentation skills.

There are also opportunities to undertake either a short microteach in a subject of your own choice or teaching practice, depending on the programme. Throughout your course, you will receive carefully tailored support and mentoring designed to help you to improve as a practitioner.

Staff Profile: Audrey Fairgreave

Staff Profile: Audrey Fairgreave

Audrey started her teaching career as a languages teacher after studying at St Andrews University and working in Germany. She completed her PGCE at York University and moved to Stansted to teach languages.

After moving to Oxfordshire and a short career break to have my 2 children, I worked for the Oxfordshire Skills and Learning Service (OSLS) since 1993 in many different roles, teaching French and German up to A-Level. I then started to run a networking group for adult language teachers, part of a national scheme, and my career moved into staff development, including teacher training, continuing professional development and quality roles.

After the transfer of OSLS to the college in June 2015, I moved from OSLS to my new role as Teaching, Learning and Assessment Lead in the TSA on 1st September 2015.

"I am passionate about quality and in particular how that is achieved in teaching, learning and assessment. I enjoy researching and sharing new activities and resources, and like playing around with technology, not always successfully!

No two days are the same and I enjoy both parts of my role equally; whether it is teacher training, supporting staff or delivering staff development. Seeing people empowered to do their best for their students is still magical and I love exploring people’s problems with them, especially with technology, to help them come to solutions.

The students I come into contact with directly are here for specific purposes – to gain a teaching qualification. To see them develop and change in many ways to be the best they can be is very important. They take on so much, make connections and often carve out new roles, and sometimes new lives, for themselves."

Did you know?

In total, there are 381 Further Education colleges in the UK, of which 94 are sixth-form colleges.

There are currently over 500,000 full-time teachers in the UK, working in primary, secondary, independent and special schools.


I really enjoyed the course as it teaches you how to stretch and challenge students and how to adapt your teaching style to suit the needs of different students.

I enjoy seeing the students grow in confidence as they work through tasks they initially struggled with.

I now teach Introduction to Unity Games Development to part-time learners and at Level 3 to school leavers, where I draw on the experience I gained from designing and marketing my own computer games which I've had some commercial success with.


I chose to study on the AET course in order to further develop my knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning.

At the time of studying I was in my previous job role as a Student Performance Manager. Through becoming AET-qualified, it allowed me to deliver more comprehensive core sessions, making it more beneficial for my students.

From here, this gave me the 'bug' for teaching and I've now enrolled for the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Teaching. I am now a fully-qualified Sport Lecturer, to which the AET provided a solid foundation for me to start my teaching career on.


I'm actually a former student of the College, where I earned qualifications in Plumbing at Levels 1 and 2, and I've decided to give something back and teach as part of my Technician role.

Having completed both my Level 3 Assessor Award and Level 3 AET qualification, I can now assess full-time students and be a part of their learning journey. It's especially nice seeing students achieve and go onto apprenticeships and into employment.

I'm currently considering doing the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training as the College has paid for and trained me in these qualifications, which is fantastic for my career progression.

Your future career


Hourly Paid Lecturer

Further Education Lecturer/Tutor


Teaching Assistant